Events,  Subscriptions

2023 Monthly Subscription Updates & Changes

In Monday’s blog post I teased you a little bit about some upcoming changes to my monthly subscription. The changes will go into effect with the January issue that goes out on December 23rd. In this post I’ll go into more detail about what you can expect so you can decide which route is best for you.

Currently I’m hosting my monthly subscription bundles through Gumroad. I’ve had a mostly great experience with the way things have been going. But of course with anything there are going to be the occasional hiccups along the way. Having a subscription is still something very new for me, even if January’s issue will be #9 in the series. There is still much to learn and figure out. And since it’s going through a hosting service there are some aspects that are out of my control.

Some issues with the subscription so far…

Here are just a few examples of why I’m considering an alternative to the current process:

  • I’ve had a few issues with people getting confused with when their billing cycle is.
  • Someone wasn’t actually getting their catalogs delivered until well into the month.
  • Some people’s subscriptions were getting canceled by the system due to issues connecting with their chosen payment service.
  • There was the occasional person who wanted to skip a month so they canceled their plan only to still receive the next catalog because of when their billing cycle started.
  • Some people wanted to be able to pick and choose which theme to go with instead of automatically getting the next one.

None of these are ideal situations for my amazing customers and definitely not for me. So with the new year right around the corner and the January early access catalogs for the subscription heading out on the 23rd of this month, I had the idea to try out something new.

What’s changing with the January issue…

When January’s issue goes out on December 23rd those who currently have a subscription through Gumroad will be business as usual. They will get the catalog sent to them on early release day like usual.


I’m also going to be setting up the catalog bundles to be available here in my blog shop.

Since the subscription is also an early access treat, the catalogs go out a week before the new collection officially hits the shop. So for that early access week the bundles here in my shop can be purchased at the same discounted price as the automatic monthly subscription (so around 50% off shop prices +/-). After that week when the collection is officially live in the shop, you’ll still be able to purchase the monthly bundles but the price will change to 25% off shop prices.

That means when you grab the monthly bundle from the shop you’re getting a great discounted deal, exclusive goodies, and shop discount codes without committing to an automatic recurring monthly subscription. And when you buy the bundle in the shop instead of going with the subscription service, you have the ability to pick and choose which month you want to grab instead of automatically getting every one until you cancel.

Now you’re wondering what to do next…

If you’re currently a subscriber to one of my bundles through Gumroad, please do a double check of your billing cycle. If you’re considering making the switch to getting your bundles here through my blog instead of through Gumroad, you’ll want to be aware of your billing cycle so you can cancel in time or you’ll need to wait until the next month to make the switch.

If you haven’t subscribed to a bundle through the service yet, all you have to do it wait for me to post the freebie mood board for the new collection in my Facebook group. Then you can decide if you want to jump on that monthly bundle or not when it hits the shop. And on the 23rd, you’ll head over to the shop to purchase the monthly bundle of your choice.

The VIP membership will still remain an option through the subscription service.

Just remember…

With the new bundles heading to the shop you’ll only get that extreme discount on the catalog if you purchase the bundle during the early access week. That’s starts the 23rd of the month and runs through when the collection hits the shop on the first. After that the bundles will still be discounted but just not as much.

And no, you won’t be able to use a discount code to get one of the monthly bundles. They’ll be discounted enough as it is. Please remember that as fun as all this is, I am still trying to make a living here. So please be respectful of that.

If you have any questions at all, I’m happy to help. If you’re thinking of switching but don’t know how to find your billing information, just reach out and I’ll help you.

And yes the cover graphic for this post is a tiny little teaser for January’s collection.