Challenge,  Freebie

A Photo Challenge & a Digital Freebie

I have two really fun and exciting things to share with you. It involves a few group photo challenge for the month of May and a free gift from me to you.

A Challenge…

I had an idea… I want to try a photo challenge for the month of May. A different topic each day.

Here’s the list I’ve come up with. It’s also going to be in my stories on Instagram as well. Click the image so you can save the list for yourself if you want.

The idea is to take a photo (or even draw or collage something if you want) related to the topic for that particular day. Get creative! Share it on your profile or in your story. Use #ccpphotochallenge and tag @calypsocreativeplanning so everyone can follow along with those involved. 

I’ll be sharing mine in my Instagram stories and saving in a designated highlight on my profile. I’ll also be collecting my photos for each day in my digital planner, notebook, or journal along with a little blurb about it. Memory keeping!

Who’s with me?


Now for the free stuff…

So I did a thing… I created this new background image for the month of May to go on my iPad. I think it’s really pretty with the spring vibes I want right now.

Since you guys are so awesome and I really appreciate all your support, I wanted to share it with you. That’s right… for FREE!

Click this photo to go where you can sign up for my mailing list and grab this free digital goodie. And it get’s better… With my new mailing list, I’ll be sending out a new and different free digital goodie each month. 

Tomorrow I’ll spill the beans about what you’ll get for the month of May. Because this one doesn’t even count as that freebie. So really you get two for May!
