Product Feature

Hydrangea Planner Teaser

In my post from earlier I shared the beautiful cover for the newest digital planner I’m working on. As promised, now I’m sharing more details about the Hydrangea Planner.

Not only will this planner feature some gorgeous imagery on the dividers for each section but it’s also full of handy links. This cute clipped set of blank sheets make up the planner’s Quick Notes section. From the desk style cover setup to the inside pages of the planner, you’ll be able to click a link to take you to a page specifically for those quick little notes that you may need at any moment.

But this is just one of the functional links crafted into my latest planner creation. I can’t wait to tease you with more along the way. Hopefully I have it ready for you sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, here’s a quick teaser video from my new TikTok account showing you the full Quick Notes section of this planner in the works. So check it out!