Creative,  Tutorial

My First Skillshare Class

You may not know this yet, but this whole digital planning thing is just one side of my business. The other side of things is all about interior design. I have the opportunity to work on some really amazing home design projects around middle Tennessee. But one of the things I specialize in is creating 3D computer models of the homes and interiors I work on. Now I’m bringing that skill to others through my first of many Skillshare classes.

I know this has nothing to do with digital planning but this community is such a supportive element for me that I just knew I wanted to share this. My first class is up live on Skillshare with more on the way. My plan is to put out a new class each month. The first few are all about the foundations of knowledge you’ll need for building 3D models in SketchUp and how the program works. Then I’ll be diving into more design focused classes. Those will include things like creating and using floor plans in SketchUp, building a models of a whole rooms with the furnishings, and also presenting your designs on social media and to clients.

If you’re interested in more information on that side of my business visit my studio website – Calypso Design Studio. And if you want to see the trailer for this first class, click the image below. If you’re not already a Skillshare member, this should also give you the chance at a free 1 month trial to the Premium service.