Planner Collage: V10
This sort of feels like a small milestone. We’ve reached Volume 10 of my Planner Collage Series. I truly enjoy designing spreads for these and crafting each collage to get them just how I imagine. This one though, it definitely has some personal touches to it.
If you saw my social media last night then you may have seen my recent dive back into journaling. I used to journal my thoughts on a semi-regular basis at one point, but stopped somewhere along the way. After recent discussions in the Digitally Wild Slack community, I’m now caught up in the idea of morning or evening pages in my digital notebook.
I’ve started cuddling up in bed next to the hubby at the end of the day to journal out my thoughts. I relieve some stress through the pages of my digital notebook on my iPad while we sit and watch tv. Over the past several days it’s become part of my evening routine.
So in this volume of my planner collage series you’ll find several journal spreads. I’ve of course blurred out my private thoughts, so don’t go getting all nosey. Some of these spreads I decorate then write (or type) while others I just let the thoughts flow and add decoration afterwards that fit the mood.
I’m also sharing a new weekly layout in my planner inspired by my old paper bullet journal days. I found a few of those and loved some of my previous spreads. I may even have to recreate some for a set of planner inserts or a whole new planner. I’m just gonna let the ideas take me wherever they may go. And this new layout will definitely become a new Digital Plan With Me video for sure.