Planner Collage Series

Planner Collage: Volume 221

Who else is super excited about this week? You know what’s happening, right? This is the week our Q3 mood board teaser drops. And Sunday the July bundles will drop to kick off early access week. So volume 221 in my planner collage series is going to have a surprise teaser reveal. You’ll get to see that and more on Thursday when the mood board gets shared. I can’t wait. Me and the team have been going crazy over here with the Q3 excitement. It’s real. Let’s dive in…

What to look forward to this week…

  • Speaking of the team… Look for a new team intro introduction feature happening. We all put our own spin on “about me” boards.
  • There’s a dark and sassy daily spread.
  • I got to complete my Blake Black author page in my book journal. You know, now that I’ve read all her books.
  • Thursday the placeholder in this collage will turn into a fun teaser spread for the new Q3 collection. That’s the day you’ll find the new mood board.
  • I’ve got a throwback weekly page with some fun vibrant colors.
  • And to bring on those summer vibes, there’s a daily spread featuring my Weekend Cookout collage set.

I hope you continue to follow along this week on social media as the different sections of the collage are released. And check back on Saturday for my “Shop the Collage” post where you can shop all the resources featured in this collage.

CCP Creatives on Patreon:

In January our new monthly planning membership went live on Patreon. A few have already jumped in to join us over there. Here’s what you’ve missed and what’s coming up this week:

Last Week:

  • suggestion post for June exclusive livestream
  • vote post for June exclusive livestream
  • weekly discussion post
  • reveal post for June exclusive livestream

This Week:

  • Tuesday 6/18 – Q&A video
  • Friday 6/21 – weekly discussion post + exclusive livestream

Book Club – MandeeTori Reads – on Patreon:

In January our new monthly book club membership went live on Patreon. A few have already jumped in to join us over there. Here’s what you’ve missed and what’s coming up this week:

Last Week:

  • Match the vibe book collage
  • May reading list
  • what are you reading Wednesday
  • weekly discussion post

This Week:

  • Monday 6/17 – suggestion post for book journaling livestream
  • Tuesday 6/18 – June podcast episode
  • Wednesday 6/19 – what are you reading Wednesday
  • Thursday 6/20 – vote post for book journaling livestream
  • Saturday 6/22 – weekly discussion post
  • Sunday 6/23 – reveal post for book journaling livestream

New Arrivals:

From other Shops:

  • RA Element
  • Miora Studio
  • LuxBook
  • Shadow Cat Digitals
  • Last Rituals
  • Pink Punch Studio

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.