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Planner Collage Series

Planner Collage: Volume 43

Doing a theme for last week’s collage was so much fun that I thought I’d do an overall theme for this week’s collage in my planner collage series. Since the presidential inauguration is this week I thought I’d go with a red, white, and blue theme. These definitely aren’t my usual colors, but these spreads were really fun to create and collect.

What to look forward to…

With all the craziness surrounding the election and upcoming inauguration I felt like I needed to get out some of the thoughts running through my head, so one of the spreads this week is that journal entry. I’m also sharing a variety of patriotic themed daily spreads in a few different planners. There’s a book journal entry thrown into the mix. You’ll get a sticker book flipthrough of an Ink and Pine collection. I also pulled out one of the first planners I ever made for my shop as this year’s work planner. And this Friday’s video is a fun patriotic journal spread I made back around the 4th of July.

I hope you continue to follow along this week on social media as the different sections of the collage are released. And check back on Saturday for the “Shop the Collage” post where you can shop all the resources featured in this collage.


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