C-HQ,  Planner Collage Series

Planner Collage: Volume 77

For volume 77 in my planner collage series I’ve got a combination of five different planners to showcase different spreads. I’m also showing off some brand new products that came from customer requests. There’s also another challenge spread and hints at what’s to come for October.

What to look forward to this week…

Last week I shared a daily spread using one of the other creator catalogs from CHQ. This week I’m taking on that challenge again for a monthly spread using a different catalog from Bella Nora Creative Studio. I’ve sprinkled in some new digital accessories and paper notes that hit the shop this weekend. They’re new additions to the Dragonfly Collection after a customer requested them. Another exciting request came in the form a new addition to my Book Lovers Collection. I’ve created a new book series journal that allows you to track up to 12 books for up to 12 different book series along with their authors and characters – all linked for easy cross referencing. Plus if you pay close attention this week, you might just get some hints about what you can except for October.

I hope you continue to follow along this week on social media as the different sections of the collage are released. And check back on Saturday for the “Shop the Collage” post where you can shop all the resources featured in this collage.

Featured This Week:

New Arrivals in the Shop:

There are four new additions to the shop since last week’s collage went out. All four of these new listings came from customer requests. So if you’re ever looking for something specific or want to see something new in an existing collection or want to customize something in the shop just reach out for a chat about it.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.