Events,  Planner Collage Series

Planner Collage: Volume 87 + Big Sale Event

The countdown is on!! Did you see the exciting news I shared on Saturday? I’m participating in the DPA Black Friday Cyber Monday Sale this weekend. So volume 87 in my planner collage series is all about sharing some new and old spreads while we count down the days until this huge sale.

Now on to what to look forward to this week…

If you haven’t seen what all shops are involved in this event be sure to check out the blog post announcement HERE. This week I’m showing off spreads in four different planners. I went with spreads that have bright and bold colors to match our event graphics. They also happen to be some of my favorite colors, so that totally works out for the best. I’ve got a variety of daily spreads for you this week. It’s a mix of doubles, singles, befores, and afters.

Make sure to follow along closely this week. The event discount code will be revealed on Thursday, so don’t miss it.

On Friday I’ll be doing a special video where I’ll show you how I’m setting up my Teal and Gold DIY Ring Binder Planner for the month of December. Since this planner is designed to grow and change with you as you need it, I’ve decided to switch up how I’m organizing my monthly dividers for December to be slightly different from how I’m using it for November. I’ll show you how to work with the huge selection of page templates to customize your planner to work best for you.

I hope you continue to follow along this week on social media as the different sections of the collage are released. And check back on Saturday for the “Shop the Collage” post where you can shop all the resources featured in this collage.

Featured this Week:

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