Planner Collage: Volume 94 + Announcement
If you watched last week’s planning video over the weekend, or you grabbed this month’s freebie, or you’re in my Facebook group then you’re probably aware that I’m celebrating my birthday this month. This week actually. So volume 94 in my planner collage series brings with it some birthday goodies. Plus a special announcement!!! I promise you don’t want to miss it!!!
Now on to what to look forward to this week…
- Last week I started my journey into the new Tone It Up program called Toned Body Toned Mind. This week I’m sharing one way I’ve been keeping track of my daily workouts, motivation, stats, and thoughts using a health and wellness weekly page template in my planner.
- I’m also sharing a couple different styles of daily page spreads. One was done entirely in GoodNotes. The other I played around with a layout in Procreate and then added it to my planner in GoodNotes for my notes.
- There’s also a weekly spread from the work section of my planner. That’s the section where I keep up with notes for another job I have designing homes and interiors with another designer in Nashville. I even included some images of 3D models for a couple projects we’re working on.
- I’m teasing you with a moodboard I created as a freebie for my Facebook group. It’s just a little something to challenge the group to create and share some planner spreads inspired by the colors and/or the vibe this month.
- This week I’ll be releasing not one but two brand new birthday/celebration themed sticker books. So I’m giving you a little tease of those to peak your interest.
- I also threw in a look at this month’s coloring book style freebie stickers. In case you haven’t heard yet, there’s a contest running in my Facebook group this month using these. Your creativity could win you a $5 credit to my shop.
- This week’s planning video is a throwback to my birthday week from 2020. I found the recording of my planning session so I’m excited to share my somewhat early day’s with you.
I hope you continue to follow along this week on social media as the different sections of the collage are released. And check back on Saturday for the “Shop the Collage” post where you can shop all the resources featured in this collage.
Did you think I forgot that big announcement I mentioned? Nah, I got you!
On my birthday, this Thursday the 13th, I’ll be doing a special one day only event in my shop. You’ll have to pay close attention this week to get the details. Trust me when I say it’s gonna be good and you’re not gonna want to miss out on this. I don’t know when I’ll do something like this again any time soon. So be sure to check back.
From other Shops:
Accessories I Use:

Don’t forget to head over to my brand new Creative Digital Planning & More Facebook Group – HERE.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
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