Book Series Journal


This is the perfect companion for major book lovers. Track everything you want to know about up to 12 different book series, their authors, and their characters all in one place. Keep up with and review up to 12 books for each book series your tracking. Each book has it’s own review page where you can add a image of the book cover, all the book details, your rating, notes, favorite quotes and more. And each book has two connected character profile pages for when you want to collect even more details. All 12 book series sections can be linked back to an author page. Each book section also features a “Bookshelf” view where you can add images for the book covers that are also clickable to take you to each books review page. Get creative! Use the page template library for when you need more room for your book thoughts and creativity. Take advantage of the Notes section and a blank bonus section to fill with whatever pages you need to organize your journaling needs.


This is the perfect companion for major book lovers. Track everything you want to know about up to 12 different book series, their authors, and their characters all in one place. Keep up with and review up to 12 books for each book series your tracking. Each book has it’s own review page where you can add a image of the book cover, all the book details, your rating, notes, favorite quotes and more. And each book has two connected character profile pages for when you want to collect even more details. All 12 book series sections can be linked back to an author page. Each book section also features a “Bookshelf” view where you can add images for the book covers that are also clickable to take you to each books review page. Get creative! Use the page template library for when you need more room for your book thoughts and creativity. Take advantage of the Notes section and a blank bonus section to fill with whatever pages you need to organize your journaling needs.


  • Custom designed cover with room to add some decoration if you want.
  • Authors section with a numbered page for each author that corresponds to a book series section
  • 12 tabbed book series section with tracking for 12 books each as 2 character profiles for each book
  • Page template library with 8 styles
  • Notes section with lined pages
  • Blank bonus section with blank pages

* 1 clickable PDF with planner (506 pages)


Please contact me for other color scheme options



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