The Classics Yearly Boards Builder Planner


Can’t decide on a planner? Have a few different ones that you love and want to use them all? Maybe this will help.

This planner is all about giving you the ability and the freedom to custom build a planner that fits your ever changing mood. Copy and paste pages from any digital planner or notebook or page insert bundle into the different sections to build up a fully custom planner.

This themed yearly planner is designed to give you the simplicity of a simple wall calendar with the creativity and freedom of adding your own pages from other planners. The theme flows throughout the monthly calendar pages and several bonus page templates. Choose from a collection of 13 different page templates to add any notes to each month. You can even use the page templates to create your own daily pages if you need them.


Can’t decide on a planner? Have a few different ones that you love and want to use them all? Maybe this will help.

This planner is all about giving you the ability and the freedom to custom build a planner that fits your ever changing mood. Copy and paste pages from any digital planner or notebook or page insert bundle into the different sections to build up a fully custom planner.

This themed yearly planner is designed to give you the simplicity of a simple wall calendar with the creativity and freedom of adding your own pages from other planners. The theme flows throughout the monthly calendar pages and several bonus page templates. Choose from a collection of 13 different page templates to add any notes to each month. You can even use the page templates to create your own daily pages if you need them.


* 1 clickable PDF with planner (107 pages)

SIDE NOTE: If you’d love to see this planning system in a different theme, reach out to me with your request.



Feel free to contact me with any questions before purchasing as all digital products are non-refundable.

If you share your spreads with this on Instagram, I’d love to see them. Tag me @calypsocreativeplanning

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