Summer 2021 PR Team Applications Now Open
I’ve decided to open up applications again for a new Summer PR Team. I’m looking for some creative planners to work with for the months of June and July for a small PR Team to help me spread the word about my shop. Here are all the details about what’s required, how it works, and how to apply.
How does it work?
Team members will get a selection of FREE products from my shop to use for their digital planning and journaling projects in exchange for sharing those spreads on social media with their followers and planning groups they’re a part of.
Who can apply to be on the team?
Anyone!! You just need a love of my products and of digital planning. You also need a public social media account on Instagram or Facebook to share your creations. And a basic knowledge of digital planning. I’m looking for people who are ACTIVELY creating and sharing their creative spreads on social media.
What are the requirements?
I’m looking for people dedicated to helping me spread the word about my shop and how to use my products. So, I’d love to see a minimum of TWO great social posts a week showcasing the products you’re using from my shop. But of course, more is always welcome.
Special Bonus …
Each team member will also get a special promo code to share with their followers offering them a discount in my shop.