Planner Collage Series

Planner Collage: Volume 206

Volume 206 in my planner collage series has a mix of new spreads, new products, systems, and a throwback to balance it out. I love all these and can’t wait to share with you guys. We’re starting to mix in some greens with our pinks to welcome spring. And I’m so ready for it. Let’s dive in…

What to look forward to this week…

  • We’re throwing is back to my first sampler bundle with one of the pages included.
  • It’s time to take a look at my February book list. I’ve got a few more reviews to do but everything’s all linked for you.
  • There are some new goodies in the Pink Queen collection to share with you.
  • I’m giving you a peek into my Notion Calendar for March. Have you tried the new calendar app companion to Notion yet?
  • And there’s a look into how I’ve set up my journal for March.

Friday’s livestream is going to depend on you guys. I’m looking to take on a new challenge. So if you have a spread you want to see or products you want featured, I’m all ears. Reach out to me with your challenge. And be on the lookout for a challenge post in the Facebook group too.

I hope you continue to follow along this week on social media as the different sections of the collage are released. And check back on Saturday for my “Shop the Collage” post where you can shop all the resources featured in this collage.

CCP Creatives on Patreon:

Last week our new monthly planning membership went live on Patreon. A few have already jumped in to join us over there. Here’s what you’ve missed and what’s coming up this week:

Last Week:

  • exclusive sticker set release
  • weekly discussion post

This Week:

  • Monday 3/4 – suggestion post for March exclusive goodies
  • Thursday 3/7 – vote post for March exclusive goodies
  • Friday 3/8 – weekly discussion post
  • Sunday 3/10 – reveal post for March exclusive goodies

Book Club – MandeeTori Reads – on Patreon:

Last week our new monthly book club membership went live on Patreon. A few have already jumped in to join us over there. Here’s what you’ve missed and what’s coming up this week:

Last Week:

  • suggestion post for March book of the month
  • what are you reading Wednesday + journaling Zoom time vote reveal
  • vote post for March book of the month
  • weekly discussion post
  • reveal post for March book of the month
  • March reading challenge
  • book journaling Zoom hangout

This Week:

  • Monday 3/4 – suggestion post for March podcast topic
  • Wednesday 3/6 – what are you reading Wednesday
  • Thursday 3/7 – vote post for March podcast topic
  • Saturday 3/9 – weekly discussion post
  • Sunday 3/10 – reveal post for March podcast topic

New Arrivals:

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.